Our History
Anima was created on December 11, 2003 by a group of 11 founder members.
The idea of founding Anima has originated from the present Life Honorary President, Albano Martins, after in the beginning of 2003 attention were being drawn to the lack of animal protection laws in Macau.
The name ‘Anima’ had been chosen right in the beginning. The two other founders of Anima besides the actual Life Honorary President were Fátima Galvão and Regina Pais. This was the team who began to give life to the new Association dedicating the first efforts to the building of the charter of Anima.
There were no animal protection associations in Macau existing before the establishment of Anima. There were several attempts by some of Anima’s members and others of creating animal welfare organizations in the past, however these attempts had failed as they tried to make themselves the charter of the organization without the support of a professional lawyer.
The team has decided to invite eight more friends to officially be the founders of the association: Gina Rangel, Guy Lesquoy, Luk Pui Ki, Tamami Ogata, Lai Chou Sam, Maria Antónia Espadinha, António Lopes and Margarida Saraiva, all of them were members of the first social bodies of Anima.
After the establishment of Anima, its first Board of Directors has immediately decided on extending the category of founder member to the first fifty individuals or institutions that were invited by them. Many important professionals, entrepreneurs and organizations have joined Anima from the first beginning. The first 21 members of the Boards of Anima, elected in February 2004, nine were Chinese, nine Portuguese, one French, one Australian and one English.
The first few months of Anima were dedicated to internal organization. In 2004, Anima started its activities with a press conference at the World Trade Center.
Anima, means LIFE, a living creature that breathes, or breath of life. The noun ‘Animal’ comes from ANIMA, a Latin word for the breath of life.
The aim of Anima, referred in article 3rd of its Charter, is to promote adequate treatment, the prevention and/or the suppression of cruelty on animals.
In order to achieve its purposes, Anima will promote any activity that contributes to the elaboration and the publicity of the legal means helping animal protection and assistance.
For that the Association will procure, namely:
- to become a member of the SPCAs (societies for the prevention of cruelty on animals);
- to stimulate and help the Authorities to elaborate laws and ordinances related to animals, as well as the correspondent regulation;
- to cooperate with similar entities and public or private organizations in any activities aiming the animal’s protection;
- to make efforts for the fulfillment of the governing law regarding the aid, protection and assistance to animals;
- to promote or participate in seminars, colloquies and conferences, as well as to conduct or collaborate in other initiatives deemed adequate for the mentioned goals.
From the first beginning the sources of income of Anima was generated from membership fees (MOP30 and MOP10 per month for adults and juveniles), merchandising sales, donors (individuals and organizations) and donation boxes. Later on, the Government of Macau, through Macau Foundation and some major Casinos decided to help Anima.
A special thanks to four very important individuals that have strongly supported Anima: the former Macau Chief Executive, Dr Edmund Ho, for his incentive, from our first beginning, and the facilitation of the first financial contributions for the building of our shelter on a land that was also provided during his administration; Steve Wynn and his wife Andrea Wynn, who have joined to our cause for the animals when the time Anima was suffering from a huge financial deficit of its accounts and Faye Ho, the granddaughter of Stanley Ho, who hold during some years the position of President of the Executive Committee, strongly supporting Anima with her own funds.
Both Edmund Ho and Steve Wynn have honored Anima by accepting our highest distinction of Life Honorary Presidents in June 2012. Faye Ho has received in the General Assembly of Anima of 2010, the position of the Honorary President for the period 2010-2015!
Wynn Resorts (Macau), Sands China and Galaxy Entertainment Group also joined to the list of our very important donors in 2011, and at the end of 2013 Rational Live Events Macau Ltd. has become the sixth major donor of Anima.
Some of the problems Anima faces today are similar to those Anima faced in the beginning. In Macau, as everywhere in the world, we have people who are conscious and know that owing a pet is a lifetime commitment and we have people who treat their pets like toys. And there are also people who need to be educated on the protection of animals especially against animal cruelty.
Anima understands that the best way to fight against the environment of cruelty is to educate the children, helping them to become responsible citizens in the society. This education must also be extended to other sectors in the Macau population.
Anima defends the principle of No-Kill and the principle of No-Caging! Euthanasia is only accepted in cases when animals are in suffering and if there is no way to reduce their pain.
The location of the first shelter of Anima was based in lot 3 of Zone ‘A’ of Nam Van Project and later near the Hac Sa village in Coloane. Anima moved from Hac Sa (Coloane) in 2005 to Altinho de Ká-Hó (Coloane) after a temporary shelter was built. Today this shelter still exists and still keeps the majority of Anima dogs.
In the first three months of Anima’s existence there were around ten dogs and five cats waiting to be rehomed. Today we have around 400 dogs and 300 cats waiting for adoption.
In 2004, Anima sent a nine pages report to the Government with proposals (immediate, and at short and medium term) for changing the actual policies and regulations governing animals, to bring Macau to the level of neighboring countries or territories, Hong Kong and Singapore, in terms of animals welfare.
Later in 2012, Anima sent another proposal of an “administrative regulation” to the government taking in consideration the long wait of the passing of a law for the protection of animals as the Macau Legislative Assembly and the Government itself have no agenda for the animals.

Macau still does not have any laws regarding animal rights. Macau needs a modern set of laws regulating importation, breeders, pet shops, vets (clinics and qualifications), ownership of animals and the passive and active cruelty against animals.
Anima has asked IACM for more awareness concerning animal protection rights and laws as there are universal laws and regulations that could easily be applied in Macau. Anima has proposed a series of policies that could be incorporated in laws and regulations in the 2004 report sent to IACM.
In 2014, we are still waiting for such set of laws that could put an end to the suffering of the animals in Macau.
Anima was also strongly committed to close the Canidrome where about 30 young and healthy greyhounds were being killed every month when they were considered not competitive anymore.
On November 25, 2009 Anima was granted with the status of Public Utility by the Chief Executive of Macau SAR (China).
On November 21, 2019 Anima was granted with The Merit Award by the Chief Executive of Macau SAR (China).