Be a GodParent

Anima does not usually charges for its services. Our main purpose is to help animals in risk. We are fortunate to have the help of our members and other animal lovers like us. By joining this program you will be able to help those more unfortunate animals.

  1. As a Godparent you will be required to sponsor the animal on a monthly or annual basis. The charges are MOP$100 per month, per animal, or equivalent on annual basis, as you prefer.
  2. Please note that only those animals which are unlikely to be adopted will be eligible to this program.
  3. The animal will be kept with us and you will have visitation rights, be able to care for, take out for walks or even, after the animal is well acquainted with you, take him/her home on your days off.

  I accept the terms and conditions of being a GodParent

* required fields



Home Telephone

ID Card *

Which kind of animals you would like to sponsor:*




Mobile *

Membership No.

Please specify the number of animals you would like to sponsor (e.g.: one dog and two cats): *


Address *

Email Address *

Member Since

I would like to sponsor:*



Anima Tags nº

If you forgot the id of the animal (Anima tag)

please take a look here


I would like to pay by:*

Payable by check, deposit or bank transfer – ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau – to the following:

Banco Nacional Ultramarino

account number 9003472840

Bank of China

account number 180101207943181


account number 0119100200000960934

For any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us at .