Happy Endings

Happy Endings, News

Anima – August Adoption (C1229-Snowie)!

<06-08-2016> Snowie was adopted on 6th August 2016 by Ms. Laura! See how she was when we rescued her and after before adoption! C1229-Snowie (F), on the time around two months old, was rescued by Anima on 6th July 2016, after a call from Mr. Cheung reporting that a cat was found on Rua de Inácio Baptista. Her body was full of fleas. Mr. Cheung brought her to the nearby pet shop and asked if we could collect her. C1229-Snowie was brought to Anima and checked by out vet. The temperature was low, she was skinny and slightly dehydrated. C1229-Snowie was fostered temporarily by our cat Supervisor Ms. Ah Peng as she was not able to eat by herself. She stayed with us until now Thanks Ms. Laura! Please help us to help them! Please de-sex your pets! Adopt and never Buy!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional...

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06 August
Happy Endings, News

Anima – August Adoption (C1227-Tenney)!

<05-08-2016> Tenney was adopted on 5th August 2016 by Ms. Wong! C1227-Tenney (M), on the time around four months old, was rescued by Anima on 2nd July 2016, after a call from Mr. Yung reporting that a kitten, C1227-Tenney, entered in a car shop at Rua Três do Bairro da Areia Preta. We set up a cat trap inside the car shop and C1227-Tenney was caught. He was brought to Anima and stayed with us until now. Thanks Ms. Wong! Please help us to help them! Please de-sex your pets! Adopt and never Buy!     Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to anima@macau.ctm.net [gallery...

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05 August
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (C1159-Lexi)!

<31-07-2016> Lexi was adopted on 31st July 2016 by Ms. Lei! C1159-Lexi (F) was rescued by Anima on 14th April 2016, after a call from Mr. Ling reporting that he found C1159-Lexi in Areia Preta Urban Park few days ago and brought her home, but C1159-Lexi couldn’t get along with his dogs. Lexi was collected to Anima and she stayed with us until today. Thanks Ms. Lei! Please help us to help them! Please de-sex your pets! Adopt and never Buy!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to anima@macau.ctm.net [gallery ids="37831,31672"]...

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31 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (1757-Bucky)!

<30-07-2016> Bucky was adopted by Ms. Lei on 30th July 2016! 1757-Bucky (M), on the time around 1.5 months old, was rescued by Anima on 30th June 2016, after a call from Ms. Ieong reporting that her friend, Ms. Pang, rescued 1757-Bucky in Hac Sa, while 1757-Bucky was wandering alone. Bucky stayed with us until now. Thanks Ms. Lei! Please help us to help them! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping us to rescue animals in risk!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to anima@macau.ctm.net [gallery ids="37813,36303"]...

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30 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (1724-Kolm)!

<29-07-2016> 1724-Kolm was adopted by Mr. Elias on 29th July 2016! SPP1710-Mui Chui II (F), around 1.5 years old, was rescued by Anima on 23rd April 2016, after a call from Ms. Ah Peng informing that she was found pregnant somewhere in Coloane. An ultrasound showed that the fetus were already approx. seven weeks old. So we on that time decided for keeping the puppies! 1724-Kolm, together with 1718-Kimon, 1719-Kennis, 1720-Kuni, 1721-Konya, 1722-Kassie, 1723-Komie, 1725-Kulee and 1726-Kerin were born on 11th May 2016. Kolm stayed with us until now. Thanks Mr. Elias! Please help us to help them! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping us to rescue animals in risk!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung...

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29 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (C1170-Minco)!

<27-07-2016> Minco was adopted by Nicole on 27th July 2016! C1163-Maddie (F), two years old, was rescued by Anima on 16th April 2016, after a call from Mr. Wong reporting that a pregnant cat was found in Toi San and her belly was getting bigger. C1170-Minco, together with C1167-Mattie, C1168-Mecifer, C1169-Migget, C1171-Marcy and C1172-Mayton were born by Maddie in shelter on 19th April 2016. Minco stayed with us until now. Thanks Nicole! Please help us to help them! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping us to rescue animals in risk!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to...

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27 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (C1209-Sirus)!

<27-07-2016> Sirus was adopted by Mr. Giga on 27th July 2016! C1189-Sabrin (F), around two years old, was rescued by Anima on 10th May 2016, after a call from Ms. Kou reporting that she found a pregnant cat at R. de Joao de Araujo. Her belly was very big and tense, spirit seemed good, but the ears were dirty. C1209-Sirus (M), together with C1208-Sage (M), C1210-Shahi (F), C1211-Saber (M) and C1212-Salmo (M) were born by C1189-Sabrin on 31st May 2016. Sirus stayed with us until now. Thanks Mr. Giga! Please help us to help them! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping us to rescue animals in risk! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank,...

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27 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (C1169-Migget)!

<24-07-2016> Migget was adopted by Ms. Karpova on 24h July 2016! C1169-Migget (F), together with C1167-Mattie, C1168-Mecifer, C1170-Minco, C1171-Marcy and C1172-Mayton were born on 19th April 2016 in shelter. Their mother, C1163-Maddie (F) was rescued by Anima on 16th April 2016, after a call from Mr. Wong reporting that a pregnant cat was found in Toi San and her belly was getting bigger. Migget stayed with us until now. Thanks Ms. Karpova! Please help us to help them! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping us to rescue animals in risk!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to...

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24 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (L001 and L002)!

<23-07-2016> Toby and Lucy were adopted on 23rd July by Mr. Chan! L001-Toby and L002-Lucy, together with L003-Roby, lizards, H010-Flower, an hamster, H011-Violet, H012-Poppy, both Gerbils, were rescued by Anima on 21st July 2016, after a call from Ms. Gina, referring that two students Diaby and Noson, from Escola Kao Yip, rescued those animals as the school was moving to a new location and decided not to keep them anymore. They were all collected to Anima even we are full. Two of them were adopted today! Thanks Mr. Chan! Please help us to help them! Adopt and never Buy!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform...

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23 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima – July Adoption (H002, H004 and L003)!

<23-07-2016> Ham Ham, Fufu and Roby were adopted on 23rd July by Mr. Kuan! H002-Ham Ham (F) and H004-Fufu (M), together with H003-Maru (F), on the time around 4 months old, were rescued by Anima on 28th June 2016, after a call from Mr. Fong reporting that he didn’t want to keep his three hamsters because they had fleas. L003-Roby, together with L001-Toby, L002-Lucy, lizards, H010-Flower, an hamster, H011-Violet, H012-Poppy, both Gerbils, were rescued by Anima on 21st July 2016, after a call from Ms. Gina, referring that two students Diaby and Noson, from Escola Kao Yip, rescued those animals as the school was moving to a new location and decided not to keep them anymore. They were all collected to Anima even we are full. Three of them were adopted today! Thanks Mr. Kuan! Please help us to help them! Adopt and never Buy!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos...

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23 July