Anima-October Foster Family (C2634-Tyrant)!
<01-10-2021> Tyrant was fostered today by Ms. Ian! C2624-Alicia (F), C2625-Vargas (F), C2626-Mariko (F), C2627-Morass (F), C2628-Diablo (M), C2629-Flying Tiger (M), C2630-Falcon (M), C2631-Largo (M), C2632-Zola (M), C2633-Beetle (M) and C2634-Tyrant (M), all around six weeks old, were rescued by Anima on 11th September 2021. The rescue happened after a call from Ms. Chan, who reported to have found the kittens abandoned in a cardboard box at Fortaleza do Monte. They were firstly sent by our team to a clinic for a check-up, as some of them seemed to be struggling to breath. After consultation, all were welcomed into Cats’ Paradise. Today, Tyrant found the love of a foster family! Anima is in charge of supervising and licensing all younger animals until they reach the maturity required for adoption. Thanks, Ms. Ian, for fostering! Please adopt and never buy! If you adopt, you are helping more animals in danger! Please, help us donating to ANIMA –...
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