
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–July Rescue (C1653-Bona)!

<21-07-2017> C1653-Bona (F), around two months old, was rescued by Anima on 21st July 2017, after a call from Ms. Cao reporting that a kitten was found in Areia Preta. C1653-Bona was checked by our vet and dewormed. She is staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise now. Thanks Ms. Cao! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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21 July
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–July Rescue (C1652-Kenny)!

<21-07-2017> C1652-Kenny (M), around five months old, was rescued by Anima on 21st July 2017, after a call from our board member Mr. Francisco Leandro, reporting that there were around 10 cats in a Hotel in Macau in very bad situation. The hotel’s staff is helping us to catch the cats. We have provided a trap! Today C1652-Kenny was caught and is staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise. Thanks Mr. Francisco Leandro and the Hotel staff! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!         Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and...

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21 July
Anima Campaigns, Campaigns, Events, News

How can you in Macau “Save the Macau Greyhounds”?

<21-07-2017> We need you to be a foster family for one greyhound that we may get, for a period of around four months time, the period we need to take care of his/her transfer!  Anima, GREY2K USA Worldwide and Pet Levrieri of Italy are contacting now many animal welfare organizations and rescue centers all over the world to help Anima to re-home our greyhounds, in case the Macau Government is capable with us to convince Canidrome to give to Anima all those animals and allow us to handle Canidrome area for one year time! This is the joint appeal launched by the three organizations called “Global Rehoming Appeal for the Canidrome Greyhounds” on how to help Anima Macau save the 650 greyhounds still alive and active at the Canidrome. How can you as Macau resident help our greyhounds in Macau? We need you to be a foster family for one...

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21 July
Advertisements, Information About Animals, News

Anima–SPP1203-Mui Mui has disappeared!

<19-07-2017> SPP1203-Mui Mui (F), a white dog, was under our Special Protection Program (SPP), together with SPP819-Gor Gor (M), a dark brown dog, from 22nd January 2014, and she lived near Miramar Restaurant in Coloane. We have detected the disappearance of Mui Mui on Monday and we tried immediately to find her. Up to now we were nor able to find her even using Gor Gor with us. Mui Mui was a very gentle lady and never went too far away of her place. Anima has provided two houses for Mui Mui and Gor Gor and they were being taken care by the staff of Miramar Restaurant! It is not normal that she does not come to her place! It was confirmed that she was not collected by IACM! If you find her or if you know anything about her, please let us know! Thanks! Please help us to help them! Please don’t be cruel with...

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21 July
Deceased, News

Anima–July Sad News (C1270-Mei)!

<20-07-2017> C1270-Mei (F), on the time around two years old, was rescued by Anima on 26th August 2016, after a call from Ms. Choi reporting that a cat fell down from a building in Estrada Mei Keng to her balcony and entered her apartment. Mei was checked by our vet and no injury was found on her body. She stayed with us since that. Unfortunately she has died in the morning and the cause of death was FIP. R.I.P. my friend! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet is abandoning a family member!         Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation...

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20 July
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–July Rescue (C1650, C1651)!

<20-07-2017> C1650-Felix (M) and C1651-Foxy (F), both around one month old, were rescued by Anima on 20th July 2017, after a call from Mr. Leong reporting that two kittens were found in the road of Portas do Cerco. C1650-Felix and C1651-Foxy were checked by our vet and dewormed. They are staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise now. Thanks Mr. Leong! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="57412,57409"]...

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20 July
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–July Rescue (C1649-Kai)!

<20-07-2017> C1649-Kai (M), around five years old, was rescued by Anima on 20th July 2017, after a call from our boar member Mr. Francisco Leandro, reporting that there were around 10 cats in a Hotel in Macau in very bad situation. The hotel’s staff is helping us to catch the cats. We have provided a trap! Today C1649-Kai was caught and will stay in our Cat’s Paradise after surgery. Thanks Mr. Francisco Leandro and the Hotel staff! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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20 July
News, Rescued Animals, Temporary Accomodation

Anima–July Rescue (SPPC1643-Brownie)!

<20-07-2017> The mother, SPPC1640-Milk (F), around one year old, with her three kittens, SPPC1641-Sugar (M), SPPC1642-Sesame (F) and SPPC1643-Brownie (F), all around five months old, were under our Special Protection Program and rescued by Anima on 12th July 2017, after a call from Ms. Vivian, reporting that there were some stray cats that needed to be neutered, somewhere in Coloane. Today SPPC1643-Brownie was brought to Anima for  spay tomorrow. Thanks Ms. Vivian! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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20 July
Advertisements, News

Anima-Croc Needs a New Home!

<20-07-2017> Please help Croc to find an adopter as soon as possible! Anima has received a call from a member of our community asking if we can help him to find a new home for Croc (M), around seven years old, a common snapping turtle! If anyone is interested to adopt him, please feel free to contact us! Please help us to help them! Please Adopt and Never buy! Never Abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet is abandoning a family member!         Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="57397,57391"] ...

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20 July
News, Rescued Animals, SPP accepted, SPP Returned

Anima–July Rescue (SPPC1646-SPPC1648)!

<19-07-2017> SPPC1646-Jack (M), SPPC1647-Nadia (F) and SPPC1648-Sabina (F), all around one month old,  now under our Special Protection Program, were rescued by Anima on 19th July 2017, after a call from Michele, reporting that three kittens needed body check. All of them were back to their former place after checking. Michele is responsible for them in that area. Anima will support the food, neuter surgery and the medical care for them. Thanks Michele! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="57322,57319,57316"]...

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19 July