
Deceased, News

Anima–July Sad News (894-Jessica)!

<01-07-2017> Our 894-Jessica became sick and had been staying in our vet area for some days. She was taking medication but she didn’t improve at all and began to enter in suffer! After discussion with the vet and approved by two of our board members, we made a sad decision to put her sleep. Last decision belongs always to the President of Anima, and it is not an easy decision! R.I.P. my friend! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet is abandoning a family member! Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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01 July
Happy Endings, News

Anima–July Adoption (1896-Stormy)!

<01-07-2017> Stormy was adopted by Ms. Viridiana on 1st July 2017! 1896-Stormy (M), on the time around 1.5 months old, was rescued by Anima on the 25th May 2017, after a call from Ms. Gina, informing that the puppy was collected by a friend in Av. Son On, near the bus factory. He was brought to a clinic for check up and dewormed. Stormy stayed with us and was now adopted. Thanks Ms. Viridiana! Please Adopt and never Buy! If you adopt you are helping animals in risk!     Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="56136,54231"]...

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01 July
Deceased, News, Rescued Animals

Anima–July Rescue and Sad News (C1624-Cairo)!

<01-07-2017> C1624-Cairo (M), around four months old, was rescued by Anima on 1st July 2017, after a call from our rescue team reporting that a cat body was found in a site of Coloane during their daily  feeding. The body was destroyed. We collected the body to be delivered to Macau kennel. R.I.P. my friend! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!     Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="28717,28721,30434"]...

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01 July
Abandoned, News

Anima-June Abandonment (1564-Laurel)!

<30-06-2017> 1564-Laurel (F), 1562-Larrie, 1563-Lora and 1565-Losa, were rescued by Anima on 21st October 2015, after a call from Ms. Chong referring that 1562-Larry was stuck under the floor board near Ka-Ho barbeque site and asked if we could help. The fire department and the police were also called and they asked us to save the puppies. Laurel was adopted on 22nd December 2015. We were informed by IACM on 26th June 2017 that Laurel was caught in Estr. Marginal da Ilha Verde on 12th June 2017. The excuse of the adopter is that he asked his friend to return Laurel to us but his friend didn’t do it and also gave the dog away. The adopter told us he would pick up Laurel in IACM and take her home. But IACM just informed us this morning that the adopter went to IACM to complete the abandonment procedure. Laurel is staying in IACM...

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30 June
News, Rescued Animals, SPP accepted, Temporary Accomodation

Anima–June Rescue (SPPC1621-Connie)!

<30-06-2017> SPPC1621-Connie (F), around eight months old, now under our Special Protection Program, was rescued by Anima on 30th June 2017, through Michele, somewhere in Taipa. SPPC1621-Connie was  found pregnant. She is staying with us now. Thanks Michele! Please help us to help them! Please neuter your pet! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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30 June
News, Our Visitors

Anima–Escola Portuguesa de Macau visited us!

<29-06-2017> Today, 44 people visited us, 21 of them were students from Escola Portuguesa de Macau that came to our Dogs’ Shelter!  Thanks for your strong support! Education is the key issue for changing the cruelty environment against animals. Pets are for life!  More and more visitors come to Anima! In 2016, we had 7,519 visitors an increase of 30.4% as compared with 5,768 in 2015! 128 groups of schools, associations, companies and friends have visited us, an increase of 85.8%! This year, up to May 2017, Anima received 4,297 visitors, an increase of 31.4% as compared with the same period of last year. 50 groups of schools, associations, companies and friends have visited us, an increase of 22%, and we have been in 17 events organized by friends or by us, an increase of 13.3%! Thank you for trusting us and supporting our work!   Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de...

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29 June
News, Rescued Animals, SPP accepted

Anima–June Rescue and New Dog under SPP (SPP1904-Logan)!

<29-06-2017> SPP1904-Logan (M), around four years old, now under our Special Protection Program (SPP), was rescued by Anima on 29th June 2017, after a call from Ms. Iek reporting that she used to feed dogs in a site of Coloane and one dog was injured. SPP1904-Logan was sent to a clinic for consultation. An X-ray showed that there was no fracture but a wound was found in his right front leg and was infected. SPP1904-Logan is staying in the clinic for observation now. Ms. Iek is willing to help us to pay the vet bill. Thanks Ms. Iek! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three...

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29 June
News, Rescued Animals, SPP Returned

Anima–June Rescue (SPPC1553-Gigi)!

<29-06-2017> SPPC1553-Gigi (F), around two years old, was rescued by Anima  through Michele, somewhere in Taipa. She was under our Special Protection Program since 26th May 2017! SPPC1553-Gigi was brought to Anima for consultation and was de-wormed. She was returned to her place after the consultation. Today SPPC1553-Gigi was brought to Anima again for neuter. She was returned to her place after spayed and she is under Michele’s responsibility. Thanks Michele! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!     Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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29 June
Happy Endings, News

Anima–June Adoption (SPPC1495-Kawaii)!

<28-06-2017> Kawaii was adopted by Ms. Wong on 28th June 2017! SPPC1495-Kawaii (F), around four years old, was rescued by Anima through Michele, on 14th April 2017, somewhere in Taipa. SPPC1495-Kawaii came to Anima for consultation and has been staying in our Cat’s Paradise. She was now adopted. Thanks Ms. Wong! Please Adopt and never Buy! If you adopt you are helping animals in risk!       Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to [gallery ids="55984,51794"]...

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28 June
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–June Rescue (C1618-C1620)!

<28-06-2017> C1618-Marco (M), C1619-Milton (M) and C1620-Muriel (M), all around one month old, were rescued by Anima on 28th June 2017, after a call from Ms. Bing reporting that three kittens were found in a street of Barra. No mother was around. She asked our help as the kittens were too young to survive by themselves. They were fostered by our Supervisor Zoe temporarily as they need milk feeding. Thanks Ms. Bing and Ms. Zoe! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to or [gallery...

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28 June