Anima – Please support the march on 30 April!
We are against all forms of cruelty! When in 2014 we asked the Macau Chief Executive to speed up an administrative regulation to stop the cruelty towards the animals, we were alone. This administrative regulation could be passed in less than one week and doesn’t need the approval of the Legislative Assembly (LA). We were giving to LA enough time to prepare a good law. Two years afterwards, no law has been passed and Anima was not listened at all in all this process of legislation. The event that is co-organized by some animal welfare associations (Anima has not been invited as co-organizer) should be supported by all the community. If you are our member or our friend, in spite of our differences and divergences, please support the event and fight for a law that protects the rights of our animals. If you are one of us, please fight for a good...
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