Anima – SPP1578-Veni released today!
Please see her paw before and now after a surgery! SPP1578-Veni was released today after a surgery that amputated two fingers, severely destroyed by a bear trap. She can moves and walk perfectly well, otherwise will  be not released by Anima! She is not a friendly animal, a consequence of what happen to her! SPP1578-Veni, under our special protection program, was rescued by Anima on 14th November 2015, after several attempts for catching her. This was possible thanks to Dr. António Galvão support helping us in this rescue. We were trying to catch her from 9th November with no success! Veni was found in a casino construction site with a trap in the front right leg. According to Mr. Yum, who is responsible for the dogs in that area, it is the second time this happens and he doesnât know who does that! It is time to end these cruelty situations! It is time...
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