Anima – Statistics about Cats and Dogs!
<Jan-October 2015 (revised)> Anima has rescued in the period 333 animals, around 33 per month or more than one per day! Of those, 152 were de-sexed and the remaining is only waiting a recovery and the appropriate age. In the same period 142 animals were adopted. The huge death of animals is explained by the poor condition of them when arrived, or because they were already collected dead or by some diseases that sometimes happen in crowded shelters, even if we try our best to have a proper quarantine and hygiene. That is one of the reasons why Anima considers adoption a master issue! Anima adopts the policy of No-Kill and No-Cage, policies that limit our capacity to increase the number of rescues or oblige us to be more selective in our rescue operations! Last year we rescued 379 dogs and cats and we were able to make only 166...
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