Rescued Animals

News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (1564-Laurel)!

<07-08-2017> 1564-Laurel (F), 1562-Larrie, 1563-Lora and 1565-Losa, were rescued by Anima on 21st October 2015, after a call from Ms. Chong referring that 1562-Larrie was stuck under the floor board near Ka-Ho barbeque site and asked if we could help. The fire department and the police were also called and they asked us to save the puppies. Laurel was adopted on 22nd December 2015. We were informed by IACM on 26th June 2017 that Laurel was caught in Estr. Marginal da Ilha Verde on 12th June 2017. The excuse of the adopter was that he asked his friend to return Laurel to us but his friend didn’t do it and also gave the dog away. The adopter told us he would pick up Laurel in IACM and take her home. But IACM informed us on 30th June 2017 that the adopter went to IACM to complete the abandonment procedure. Laurel stayed in...

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07 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (C1689-Martin)!

<06-08-2017> C1689-Martin (M), around five months old, was rescued by Anima on 6th August 2017, after a call from Mr. Wong reporting that a cat was found in Rua da Ribeira do Patane. C1689-Martin was dewormed and is staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise now. Thanks Mr. Wong! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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06 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (C1688-Ace)!

<05-08-2017> C1688-Ace (M), around five months old, was rescued by Anima on 5th August 2017, after a call from Ms. Chan reporting that a kitten was found yesterday in a temple in Estrada de Coelho do Amaral. C1688-Ace was dewormed and he is staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise now. Thanks Ms. Chan! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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05 August
News, Rescued Animals, SPP Returned

Anima–August Rescue (SPPC1646-SPPC1648)!

<05-08-2017> SPPC1646-Jack (M), SPPC1647-Nadia (F) and SPPC1648-Sabina (F), on the time all around one month old, were under our Special Protection Program and rescued by Anima on 19th July 2017, after a call from Michele, reporting that three kittens needed body check. All of them were back to their former place after checking. Today they were brought back to Anima again as they had high fever. They were returned to their place after medication prescribed. Michele is responsible for them in that area. Anima will support the food, neuter surgery and the medical care for them. Thanks Michele! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai...

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05 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (1918, 1919)!

<05-08-2017> 1918-Ezra (M) and 1919-Edwin (M), both around three months old, were rescued by Anima on 5th August 2017, after a call from Ms. Gina reporting that his friend, Mr. Fernando, found a group of puppies needed our help, in a site of Taipa. According to Mr. Fernando, five adults, including the mother and six puppies, were living there. But the adults don’t care much about the puppies and two puppies were missing already and one got sick. Mr. Fernando brought the sick one to a clinic and asked our help. 1909-Ekin was caught and brought to Anima on 15th July 2017. Today 1918-Ezra and 1919-Edwin were caught as well and delivered to us. Thanks Ms. Gina and Mr. Fernando! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino,...

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05 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (1917-Ah Bo II)!

<04-08-2017> 1917-Ah Bo II (F), around seven years old, was rescued by Anima on 4th August 2017, after a call from Ms. Rebecca reporting that a dog was crossing the road in Estrada do Altinho de Ka Ho and she was almost hit by a truck. No microchip was found on her. 1917-Ah Bo II will have an ultrasound and further examination in a clinic tomorrow as she has a big belly and a lump. She is staying in quarantine in our dogs´ shelter now. Thanks Ms. Rebecca! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!         Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account...

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04 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (C1687-Asher)!

<02-08-2017> C1687-Asher (M), around one month old, was rescued by Anima on 2nd August 2017, after a call from Mr. Oscar of Anihelp, informing that they rescued a kitten, C1687-Asher, in Rua dos Ervanarios and he coudn’t walk properly. C1687-Asher was sent to a clinic by Anihelp. We will send him to a second clinic for an x-rays and further examination. C1687-Asher is staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise now. Thanks Mr. Oscar and Anihelp! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="58235,58232"]...

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02 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (B077-Jolli)!

<01-08-2017> B077-Jolli, was rescued by Anima on 1st August 2017, after a call from Mr. Ieong reporting that a bird fell down from the net on a street in Hac Sa Wan. B077-Jolli is unable to fly. B077-Jolli is staying in a clinic for force feeding now. Thanks Mr. Ieong! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and

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01 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (1915, 1916)!

<01-08-2017> 1915-Prince (M) and 1916-Princess (F), both around one month old, were rescued by Anima on 1st August 2017, after a call from our staff reporting that two puppies were found abandoned outside the main entrance of our dog shelter. 1915-Prince and 1916-Princess were checked in our clinic and dewormed. They are staying in quarantine in our vet area now. Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 and inform us of your donation to and [gallery ids="58180,58183"]...

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01 August
News, Rescued Animals

Anima–August Rescue (C1685, C1686)!

<01-08-2017> C1685-Derrick (M) and C1686-Dewey (M), both around one month old, were rescued by Anima on 1st August 2017, after a call from our board member Mr. Francisco Leandro, reporting that there were around 10 cats in a Hotel in Macau in very bad situation. The hotel’s staff is helping us to catch the cats. We have provided a trap! Today C1685-Derrick and C1686-Dewey were caught and were checked in our clinic. C1685-Derrick has skin problem. C1686-Dewey has eyes and skin problems. They are staying in quarantine in our Cat’s Paradise under medication now. Thanks Mr. Francisco Leandro and the Hotel staff! Please help us to help them! Never Abandon your pets! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!       Please help us donating to  ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not...

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01 August