Rescued Animals

News, Rescued Animals

Anima – December Rescue (C1083-Maceo)!

C1083-Maceo was rescued by Anima during the rescue of 1601-Kanani. A lady reported to our rescue team that someone found a kitten in the middle of the road in Avenida de Maio and put him in the grass around the place. Maceo is now with us! Please be a responsible owner! Do not abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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06 December
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – December Rescue (1601-Kanani)!

1601-Kanani was rescued by Anima after a call from Ms. Lo reporting that a Pitbull Terrier, around four months old, was found in the park of Kwong Wa San Chuen with a bag. She asked us to help as she has no condition to keep the dog. He has no microchip and has a severe skin problem. 1601-Kanani is now with us in pen T-1! Thanks Ms. Lo! Please be a responsible owner! Do not abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to [gallery ids="22706,22703,22700"]...

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06 December
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – December Rescue (C1082-Theda)!

C1082-Theda was rescued by Anima after a call from Ms. Yum and Mr. Fernando reporting that C1082-Theda, a two and half months old kitten, was found in Galeria do Tap Seac (Tap Seac gallery). She is staying in quarantine in our pen B13 now! Never Abandon our pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime! Abandoning a pet is cruelty! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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05 December
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – December Rescue (C1081-Chibi)!

C1081-Chibi was rescued by Anima after a call from Ms. Patrícia reporting that C1081-Chibi, a two months old kitten, was found in Estrada do Repouso last night. Her both eyes were inflamed, especially the left one, he had upper respiratory problems, nasal discharge, apathy, fever, was skinny, dehydrated and very dirty with a lot of fleas. Never Abandon our pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime! Abandoning a pet is cruelty! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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04 December
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – December Rescue (C1080-Drake)!

C1080-Drake was taken to Anima after a call from Ms. Leah reporting that C1080-Drake, a male, was rescued by her two years ago and was with her up to now. According to her the cat became more aggressive recently and began to bully another cat. She asked if we can keep him. We decided to help Drake even disagreeing with the owner. He will loose his family and his house environment! He is now in our quarantine area B13 for 10 days, and later will be released in our cat main area where we have almost one hundred animals. Please Adopt him! Never Abandon our pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime! Abandoning a pet is cruelty! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the...

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01 December
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – November Rescue (B020-Garrie)!

B020-Garrie was rescued by Anima near our shelter. He could not fly. He was sent to a clinic for consultation and blood test. The  result indicated anemia. B020-Garrie is staying in the clinic  few days for observation. Please help us to help them! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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30 November
News, Rescued Animals, Returned

Anima – November Rescue (SPP1472-Orla)!

SPP1472-Orla was rescued by Anima in an area where we have several animals under our Special Protection Program (SPP). She was spayed, subject to tests, de-wormed, clean and returned to her place after surgery! For these situations (animals that must put out immediately as we have no space) doctors use a special shot of antibiotics that last for 10 days around! Do not Abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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27 November
News, Rescued Animals, SPP accepted, Temporary Accomodation

November Rescue & Temp. Accom. (SPPC1079-Patton)!

Patton is now under our Special Protection Program! SPPC1079-Patton was rescued after a call from Michelle reporting that SPP1079-Patton was sick. Michelle,  volunteer of Anima and responsible for the SPP of cats, brought him to Anima. He had fever and both eyes were inflamed. SPP1079-Patton will stay in Anima (in V8 pen) temporarily for observation and will be later neutered. Thanks Michelle! Please help us to help them!   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to

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27 November
News, Rescued Animals

Anima – November Rescue (1591-Preto)!

1591-Preto was rescued by Anima after a call from Ms. Ieong reporting that a male poodle with a green leash was found crossing the road in Av. de Artur Tamagnini Barbosa. 1591-Preto had no microchip and was in danger. Anima, again, decided to make the miracle of the multiplication of space. We took him to Anima. Thanks Ms. Ieong! Please be a responsible owner! Do not abandon your pet! Abandoning a pet should be a crime! Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following bank accounts: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, MOP account number 9003472840 Bank of China, MOP account number 01-01-20-794318 ICBC, MOP account number 0119100200000960934 (ICBC jetco, please do not input the first three digits) Tai Fung Bank, MOP account number 201-1-10530-7 Tai Fung Bank, HKD account number 101-1-12983-3 And inform us of your donation to ...

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26 November
News, Rescued Animals

November Rescue and Sad News (1579, 1581 to 1583)!

SPP1577-Rada was under our Special Protection Program (SPP) from 13th November. She was found by our rescue team during the daily feeding somewhere in Macau. She is the mother of five puppies, under our protection from 19th November 2015: SPP1579-Hedda, SPP1580-Hedy (already deceased), SPP1581-Hanson, SPP1582-Hennie and SPP1583-Harman. As there are no people taking care of them, our rescue team was responsible for them in the area. However today we decided to get all to Anima even with no space. They are no more under SPP. We keep them! They are not well. They may not survive. The mother is with us but we can not mix them now. Hedda died also. All are now being treated by us in Anima and by the clinics we use. It is very sad looking to those faces! Why people are so cruel?   Please help us donating to ANIMA – Sociedade Protectora dos Animais de Macau to the following...

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26 November