Our Services


Special Protection Program (SPP)



Please Adopt, Don’t Buy!

Why should you adopt a pet from a rescue center?
First, you are helping an animal to have a second chance in life. Second, this may mean less one animal in the streets. Third, you are allowing Anima to save more animals as our space in Coloane is physically limited. Fourth, you are contributing to stopping illegal smuggling of pets into Macau, by irresponsible citizens or pet shops; this also helps reduce the entry of diseases into our city. Fifth, you don’t have to pay for the animal, just contribute to the license and sterilization fee.
All animals in our shelter have a story to tell. They either were abandoned by their owners, rescued from the streets with diseases, injured or showing that they can cannot survive outside, brought in by people who found them, they were too much young for surviving outside (kittens or puppies are considered always being in danger), or saved from ending their lives in the dog pound. Some have now a better life; others miss their old life in a nice, cozy home. But all of them have lots of joy and happiness to give, unconditionally. We would like to let you know the main causes invoked by some people for the abandonment of pets in Macau:
- Moving away from Macau
- Wedding and birth of children
- Allergies
- Puppy destroys everything in the house or can’t educate the pet properly
- Owners unable to conceive (due to the presence of the pet)
- Family do not want them anymore and has no time for them
- They bought a new and beautiful pet in a pet shop
- Dogs get adult and have grown and are not so charm as when they were young
- House is small for having an adult dog
All these reasons are somewhat preventable. So if you are not planning to stay in Macau for long, or if you are unsure whether you will be taking your pets along, or have not made up your mind, why not choosing to sponsor (godparent) a pet instead? You may choose your pet, be responsible for its care, visit him frequently, and train it and why not taking him for a day out on your spare time or a day with you at your home?
Adoption is for life.
The adoption of a pet is always a decision one should not make lightly. Even if an adoption is not a complicated and dangerous decision for your life, you have some things to consider before you decide, like plans for the future: a dog’s life may last up to 16 years old, so are you ready to commit with your pet for such a long time? In Anima, we promote friendship for life and we love to give away animals to those who are able to care for them for their whole life.
ANIMA promotes responsible ownership, above all, and caring for a pet is much more than just feeding it or providing shelter, so we advice that before you adopt a pet, you ask yourself these questions:
- What drives to adopt a pet?
- Are you ready for a long-term commitment?
- Do you know which type of pet is the right one for you?
- Can you afford a life-long of health care and safety?
- Do you have time to spend with your pet?
- Can you care for your pet if he gets sick?
- Are you willing to train your pet?
- Is your family ready to welcome a pet?
It is a very joyous moment, the moment a pet comes into one’s life, so let’s make this a moment to cherish and remember!
Please remember, pets communicate with you and they are aware of the changes in your behavior. They get upset if you are upset. They are able to sense your feelings and they are the ones that unconditionally support you. They just want you! They are always at the door waiting for the friend that comes!
Rescue is a daily activity of Anima even if our shelter is full
Anima has a rescue team consisting of a maximum of 3 people. Due to lack of staff, Anima is now forced to work with only two persons. If you want to help us, please enroll in our Rescue Committee as a volunteer.
Anima has a very tight regulation regarding the rescue operations as you may see in our regulation.
Many times we are asked by the Fire Department to help them or by the Police Department. Many times we ask them to help us, especially if an animal is in private property, locked in closed shops or houses or in places where the access is very difficult.
Any rescue activity begins with a call and the fill in of a rescue form that is immediately submitted to the Executive Committee of Anima that decides what to do. Even in situations of no space in Anima our rescue team must always go to the place, check the situation and report in loco. Decision is taken before they live the place. No animal injured or in risk are left in the area, but may return after treatment if they will be not in risk once back.

Special Protection Program

What is the SPP (Special Protection Program)?
SPP is a very special program launched by Anima as a way to protect animals outside Anima.
Why Anima does this program?
SPP was created because Anima shelter is completely full. So the only way to protect animals out of Anima is to have them under this program.
What exactly Anima offers and what are the conditions for an animal being protected by the SPP?
The animals under the Special Protection Program are only those living outside Anima in streets or sites.
What Anima can provide?
Food, medication and the necessary welfare, within our financial capabilities.
Who can be under this program?
Animals that are daily followed-up by volunteers. A picture, name, sex and the place where he/she is living, are conditions for getting such status. Those volunteers have to be registered in Anima as so.
Where are the places where Anima has animals under this program?
We can not disclose this information in order to protect the animals. However we may inform that Anima has now 40 areas of dogs under the SPP program and four areas of cats under the same program.
Please be active! Help us to help them!
Be a SPP volunteer!
Education is fundamental to change the cruelty environment against animals.
Anima activities comprises visits to schools of all levels of education and the reception of groups from schools, associations, companies or groups of friends who interact with our animals in our shelter and are invited to do volunteer work.
More and more people visit Anima!
In 2021, 108 groups of schools, private companies or associations have visited our shelters.
In total, we welcomed 10,589 visitors in 2021, compared with 10,495 visitors in 2020 and 7,487 visitors in 2019!
Plus, in 2021, Anima was present in 19 different visits or events, outside our shelters!